Sunday 16 November 2008

Two Roasts and a Little Bit of Philanthropy: Just How Sunday's Should Be!

Today was another lovely day!
I woke up and came down to the kitchen to make coffee and discovered this on the table, which made me giggle:

I then went back to my job at the pub after 10 weeks off and almost loosing the job. It was so nice to be back and it almost felt like I had never been away! This is where I had my first roast of the day :)

Once home I checked over a few things then set to work on some rough sketches for a custom pillow:

I then had my 2nd roast of the day, hehe, such a fatty but I do love them!

After dinner I carried on knitting the little purse to go in my Operation Christmas Child box:

For the rest of the evening up until now I have been wrapping and preparing my Operation Christmas Child box:

All ready to be shipped off tomorrow :)

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